Welcome New Nor'Easters: Fall 2024

我们很高兴你将加入正规澳门赌场网络的大家庭. 使用这些信息作为秋季入学下一步重要步骤的指南.
Step 1

Make it Official: Submit Your Enrollment Deposit

Submit your enrollment deposit to guarantee your place in the incoming class. 你的入学押金包括300美元的学费押金和200美元的校园住宿押金. Once your enrollment deposit is received, 你有资格完成住宿和餐饮合同. 


Graphic depicting a clipboard
Step 2

Apply for Financial Aid

By 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA®), you’ll be considered for all types of aid, including grants and scholarships, federal loans and federal work study. UNE’s school code is 002050.


联系学生金融服务,电话:(207)602-2342或 sfs@orc-rowing.com for more information.

四名身穿蓝色格子法兰绒衣服的学生站在Stormin' Norman的周围
Step 3

Attend New Nor'easters Accepted Students Events

不管你是否确定你是未来的东北人还是你还在考虑你的选择, 我们接受的学生活动提供了一个独特的方式来探索正规澳门赌场网络,并帮助你做出大学决定.


A graphic of a banana and an apple
Step 4

Apply for a Housing and Meal Plan


UNE has a three-year residency requirement. 一旦我们收到你的入学保证金,你就有资格完成一份 住宿及餐饮服务申请及合同 选择室友和宿舍的偏好. if you think you know who you want to live with, 你也可以选择邀请朋友加入你的室友小组. 房屋分配将根据我们收到您的申请日期的优先顺序进行. 室友组可以创建到六月底,你将在七月中旬被告知你的住房分配. Learn more about living on campus at UNE

Living Learning and Themed Living Communities

In addition to your housing application, 考虑申请一个生活学习或主题生活社区. 这些是为想要生活在一个有中心主题的环境中的新生提供的专门体验, 与共同的身份或研究领域有关的. You can 了解更多正规澳门赌场网络生活学习和主题生活 and 填写此表格以申请2024-2025年社区.

Two U N E students in a dorm room

Meal Plans and Dining

As a residential student, you are automatically assigned a meal plan, so there is no separate application to complete. 该计划包括每周在食堂用餐的固定次数, flexible spending dollars for on-campus dining, 以及该地区一些校外餐厅的东北美元.

你可以在学期开始时改变你的饮食计划. 有关餐饮设施和膳食计划的更多信息,请访问 Dining Services.


欲了解更多信息,请联系住房和住宅/通勤生活办公室 housing-office@orc-rowing.com or (207) 602-2272 or check out our 正规澳门赌场网络住房分配,房间设施和校园生活的有用提示的常见问题.

Graphic depicting a group of people
Step 5

Attend Orientation

New Student Orientation


入学指导为你准备大学生活的学术、社会和个人方面. 你将建立联系,并获得你需要的重要信息. 所有即将入学的本科生都必须出席, 包括第一次上大学的学生和转学生.

Learn more about Orientation

Trailblazer Orientation Trips


除了入职培训,你还有机会报名参加开拓者之旅. Through these off-campus activities, you will meet friends, faculty, current students, 在学校开始之前,专业的工作人员在一个较小的小组中设置. We offer a variety of programs for all interests.

Explore Trailblazer Trips



欲了解更多信息,请致电(207)602-2447或 orientation@orc-rowing.com or see our new student FAQ.

Step 6

Complete Your Academic File

请务必将以下信息提交到 Office of Undergraduate Admissions:

  • Official final high school transcript
  • Advanced Placement scores if applicable
  • 大学学分课程的正式成绩单


欲了解更多信息,请联系本科招生办公室 admissions@orc-rowing.com or (207) 602-2847.

Step 7


Required Health Forms


Health forms

填写并提交以下表格,可在 Student Health Center website.

Health History:

  • Immunization Form for Arts and Sciences Students
  • Immunization Form for Health Professions Students
  • Physical Form
  • A photocopy of your health insurance card
Health insurance

As a UNE student, you are required to have health insurance. You have the option to:

  • Purchase health insurance through UNE
  • Waive the UNE plan, if you are already insured

秋季入学的新生必须在7月1日之前提交所有表格. 如果您有任何疑问,请致电(207)602-2358与学生健康服务部门联系,或访问 Student Health Center website.

Emergency Contact

我们想知道如果校园发生紧急情况你希望我们联系谁, 所以我们要求所有学生在学年开始前提供一个紧急联系人. 您的主要紧急联系人应该是家长或监护人, 如果我们需要联系的人不止一个,欢迎你列出多个人. Log in to U-Online then click “Personal Information”, 单击“设置”,然后单击“更新紧急联系人”以完成此步骤.